Container terminals form a vital gateway in the transport chain for the shipment of cargo containers. To handle the enormous amount of throughput, the advancement of information technology has played a crucial role in automating processes and transferring data seamlessly between the shipping lines and the terminal operators.
The essential objective for a container terminal is to shorten the vessel port stay as the vessels are most profitable while at sea.
The current market situation of dwindling margins and tightening delivery windows has increased complexity in container terminal planning & scheduling processes. Therefore, the efficient use of resources is a top priority. An advanced planning & scheduling solution holds a substantial cost savings potential for planning departments while also boosting delivery reliability and flexibility.
If we look at a container terminal as a system of material flow, it can be split up into three sections or areas:
Additionally, there are two operations visible in container terminals: discharging and loading of vessels.
The key components in discharging and loading operations are (1) vessels and external transport (trucks, rail), (2) container terminal infrastructure like berth availability, yard, handling equipment (such as STS cranes, straddle carriers, automated stacking cranes), internal transport vehicles and (3) labour.
Several key areas come together when container terminals plan their optimal schedule:
In general, planning and (detailed) scheduling of container terminal processes are characterised by complex business logic and numerous limitations as well as production disruptions (e.g., equipment breakdown), equipment maintenance and vessel schedule unreliability.
Understand the main drivers of container terminal operations
Get a full picture of key processes and factors that determine the container terminal planning process