Identec Solutions' First Garden Day

Written by Angela Lampl | 14 June, 2024

What happened at our Garden Day?

Our team spent the day planting various trees and bushes specifically chosen to benefit bees and other insects. These plants will provide essential habitats and food sources, helping to maintain local bee populations. We selected species known for their attractiveness to pollinators. 

Let's have a look at what we planted:

  • Strawberries are bright red, sweet fruits with tiny surface seeds that thrive in well-drained, slightly acidic soil and full sun. They are rich in vitamin C and can be used in desserts, jams, and smoothies.
  • Raspberries are small, round, tart-sweet fruits with an open core. They are growing best (the same as strawberries) in well-drained soil and full sun. A big bonus is that raspberries are high in fibre and vitamins.
  • Lavender is a fragrant herb with purple flowers and silvery-green foliage. It flourishes in well-drained, slightly alkaline soil and full sun and is used in aromatherapy, cosmetics, and culinary dishes for its soothing properties.
  • And many more plants...


These additions to the landscape around our office are vital components of our efforts to foster a healthy, sustainable environment.

We asked our employees if they have any experience gardening. Most of them are gardeners themselves. Some are reconnecting with gardening as adults now while only having gardened as children before. From a diverse raised bed with lettuce, herbs, zucchini, and a mix of hydrangeas and edible flowers—while waiting for an apple tree to bear fruit—to gardeners nurturing young talents in gardening, encouraging the next generation of green thumbs, every employee has a different history in the garden.


The Importance of Bees to Our Ecosystem

Bees play a critical role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. With over 20,000 bee species worldwide, they pollinate one-third of the food we consume, including fruits like strawberries, vegetables, and nuts. Pollination is crucial for the growth of many plants, making bees essential to agriculture and natural landscapes.

One of the most fascinating "beehaviours" shown is the so-called waggle dance. This unique form of communication allows bees to get information about the location of food sources to their hive mates. In addition to their remarkable communication skills, bees also produce honey from flower nectar, which involves teamwork and efficient use of resources.

However, bee populations are currently facing significant threats. Habitat loss, the overall use of pesticides, and the impacts of climate change are causing declines in the bee population around the globe. These challenges highlight the urgency of initiatives like our Garden Day, aiming to create environments where bees and other pollinators can thrive.


Why Garden Days Matter

Our Garden Day is not just a one-off event; it represents a broader commitment to environmental stewardship. By creating spaces that support bees and other insects, we contribute to the health of our local ecosystem. They are key to our biodiversity, which in turn supports everything from food production to climate regulation.


How You Can Help

There are many ways you can support bees and other pollinators in your community:

  1. Plant Native Flowers and Trees: Just like we did, you can plant a variety of plants. These species are well-adapted to local conditions and provide the best resources for local wildlife.
  2. Avoid Pesticides: Chemicals designed to kill pests can also harm bees and other beneficial insects. Consider using organic or natural alternatives for pest control.
  3. Provide Water Sources: Bees need water for drinking and cooling their hives. A shallow dish with water and some stones for them to land on can be a simple but effective addition to your garden. As there is a stream near our office next to a reed, the bees get enough water for drinking and cooling.
  4. Support Local Beekeepers: Purchasing honey and other products from local beekeepers helps sustain the practice of beekeeping and the health of local bee populations.
  5. Raise Awareness: Share information about the importance of bees with your friends, family, and the community. The more people understand how bees play a critical role in our environment, the more support there will be for protecting them.


For the past seven years, a dedicated beekeeper has been farming to around 500 beehives. On our garden day, he relocated a couple of beehives to the Millennium Park near our headquarters in Lustenau to ensure the bees continue thriving in this vibrant habitat. Always on call, the beekeeper also steps in to safely collect any beehives that spontaneously appear in the gardens, ensuring the bees and other park visitors can coexist harmoniously.

A Bee's bright future

The trees and bushes we planted will grow and provide resources for bees for many years to come, contributing to a healthier ecosystem. Our first Garden Day was a fantastic success, but it's just the beginning. Take part in similar activities in your community. Together, we can create environments that support bees and other pollinators, ensuring a healthier planet for future generations.

Let's continue to work towards a greener, more sustainable, and environmentally friendly world. Look at what we've created and join us in doing something good for our planet.



Why are bees important?

Bees are crucial pollinators for many of the plants that produce our food. By pollinating plants, they help maintain healthy ecosystems and biodiversity, which supports the growth of fruits, vegetables, and nuts.

What is the waggle dance?

The waggle dance is a form of communication used by honeybees. Through this dance, bees share information about the location of food sources with their hive mates, helping the colony find and gather food efficiently.

What are the biggest threats to bees?

Habitat loss, pesticides, climate change, and diseases are primary threats to bees, and these factors have contributed to significant declines in bee populations worldwide.

How does planting trees help bees?

Trees can provide essential habitats and food sources for bees. Flowering trees offer nectar and pollen, while the foliage and structure of trees provide shelter and nesting sites for various bee species.

How does climate change affect bees?

Climate change can shift the availability of flowers, disrupt bee life cycles, and lead to habitat loss. Extreme weather events and changes in temperatures can also impact bee populations. 

How to create a bee-friendly garden?

Plant a variety of native flowers and trees that provide nectar and pollen. Avoid using pesticides, and provide water sources for bees. Additionally, creating habitats such as bee hotels can offer nesting sites for solitary bees.

What can communities do to support bees?

Support bees by creating green spaces with a variety of native plants, reducing pesticide use, and raising awareness about the importance of bees. Supporting local beekeeping initiatives can also make a significant difference.



UNO Environment Programm 
