| Written by Mark Buzinkay
The United Nations has set 17 ambitious goals to end poverty, protect our planet and ensure prosperity for all people worldwide by 2030 – these are known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As citizens and business leaders, it is up to us to ensure that these goals are met in the next decade. It requires a concerted effort from governments, international organizations, businesses and civil society – each with its unique role to play.
In this blog post, we will explore how the Tire Industry can make an impact on sustainable development, discussing their roadmap for achieving the SDGs. Read on to learn more about the Tire Sector SDG roadmap and how they plan to reach their objectives.
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The Sustainable Development Goals provide a roadmap towards achieving peace and prosperity for all people and the planet. To ensure progress, governments, international organizations, businesses, civil society and citizens must all come together to develop policy frameworks and support actions to help achieve these goals. Governments must create laws and regulations that promote sustainable development practices in energy, climate change and pollution control areas. International organizations must assist in areas such as health and education while supporting capacity building. Businesses can use their resources to invest in sustainable development projects, create jobs and access new markets. Civil society can lead by example through advocacy initiatives and public campaigns that raise awareness about the importance of these goals.
The roadmap of 11 Tire Industry member companies identifies areas where the sector can have the most impact on the SDGs by maximizing those that are positive and minimizing negative effects and explores key ways to accelerate and optimize impact by 2030. Learn more about the production process of the green tire to understand the implications of the following roadmap.
The roadmap aims to guide focused action and provides a means to communicate relevant sustainability activities and initiatives to key stakeholders.
The Tire Industry Project (TIP) roadmap presents a series of ambitious impact pathways that outline how the sector can contribute to the 2030 Agenda and become more sustainable. To ensure that this vision is realized, TIP is committed to taking specific actions that will help accelerate progress towards the SDGs, including:
One central aspect of the roadmap is navigating the transition from the industry's current state to a low-carbon, resilient, and resource-efficient economy.
The TIP members followed a three-phase process to establish a shared vision for the sector and identify the areas with the most significant impact.
Do you want to learn more about how to make your factory ready for more sustainable practices? Then read more about the concept of Industry 4.0 smart factory or continue with our whitepaper about real time locating systems.
The Tire Industry Project (TIP) roadmap outlines several pathways to optimizing the tire industry's positive impacts and minimizing its negative impacts. In driving forward these actions, TIP members recognize that they have an integral role in achieving global Sustainable Development Goals (1).
Impact pathways identified by TIP include areas such as supply chain management, operations, and products and services. In addition, the roadmap includes initiatives to ensure that progress is measured and optimized over time, with a commitment to developing additional indicators to measure progress by 2023 and produce a progress report by 2026.
7 impact opportunities have been elaborated in the TIP roadmap:
The TIP roadmap also includes answers ("actions") to all seven opportunities. In the following, we cover two of the most significant impacts: in the field of industry, innovation and infrastructure and in the field of responsible consumption and production.
Recommended reading: RTLS in smart factories
One of the roadmap's most impactful areas involves the industry itself: "By 2030, upgrade infrastructure and retrofit industries to make them sustainable, with increased resource use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies and industrial processes, all countries taking action in accordance with their respective capabilities."
Additionally, the roadmap outlines sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources, substantial waste generation reduction through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse, and availability of relevant product information for everyone.
What does it mean? First, it says to do the utmost to share best practices on improving fuel efficiency, load optimization, and routes. Second, it also includes a focus on retrofitting machinery and infrastructure to improve the efficiency of industrial processes.
The industry possesses the technology to retrofit infrastructure and processes to the state-of-the-art industry 4.0 standard, which enables efficient usage of assets (e.g. machinery) and resources (materials, workforce, space, ...). However, it needs motivation and commitment to be the change necessary to stick to this roadmap. The present and future generations look at the industry in trust and expectation of how this roadmap will be rolled out.
If you are interested in being part of this movement, look at retrofit solutions that deliver sustainable productivity increases. For example, look at Asset Agent when you want to lift your brownfield to the industry 4.0 standard.
In conclusion, The Tire Industry Project's Roadmap to 2030 is a truly impressive program that outlines the sector's commitment to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It emphasizes industry 4.0 retrofitting of infrastructure and processes, as well as efficient management and use of natural resources and reduction of waste generation. This roadmap requires motivation, commitment and collaboration from all stakeholders for it to be successful. If you are interested in being part of the movement, look at Asset Agent and other similar solutions that can help lift brownfield industries to industry 4.0 standards (learn more about an RTLS solution). Together we can make a real difference on our planet!
Enjoy our complete selection of articles and whitepapers about production optimization and real time locations systems.
Civil society refers to the network of non-governmental organizations, groups, and institutions that operate independently from the state and represent the interests, values, and will of citizens. It includes entities like community groups, NGOs, labor unions, religious organizations, and advocacy groups that promote civic participation, social justice, and democratic governance. Civil society plays a crucial role in holding governments accountable, fostering social cohesion, and influencing public policy. (3)
(1) https://sustainabilitydriven.info/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/WBCSD_TIP_Sustainability-Driven-SDG-Tire-Sector-Roadmap.pdf
(2) https://sustainabilitydriven.info/sdgs/
(3) Cohen, J. L., & Arato, A. (1992). Civil Society and Political Theory. MIT Press.
Note: the article was updated on the 5th of February, 2025
Mark Buzinkay holds a PhD in Virtual Anthropology, a Master in Business Administration (Telecommunications Mgmt), a Master of Science in Information Management and a Master of Arts in History, Sociology and Philosophy. Mark spent most of his professional career developing and creating business ideas - from a marketing, organisational and process point of view. He is fascinated by the digital transformation of industries, especially manufacturing and logistics. Mark writes mainly about Industry 4.0, maritime logistics, process and change management, innovations onshore and offshore, and the digital transformation in general.