In the heart of Europe, a modern automotive fairy tale has unfolded. Bratislava, Slovakia's vibrant capital, has seen its industrial landscape renewed by the Volkswagen (VW) behemoth: First setting its roots in 1991, the VW plant has grown from a small dot into a veritable forest of innovation and production prowess.
And Asset Agent plays a little known but significant role.
Once a stranger to the production lines of Volkswagen Bratislava, Asset Agent is now an essential component of the factory's operations. It has been in use for more than 13 years now and became a trusted partner to run production processes smoothly.
As Matus explains, Asset Agent, underpinned by Real-time locating systems (RTLS), has become instrumental in tracking every vehicle in the vast production facility.
The system's primary role is to provide an accurate location for each vehicle, which is especially critical in times of part shortages.